Saturday, February 21, 2009
Lots to Write!!!
I want to start writing before I forget everything I want to put in my post today so I"ll get to your questions after dinner. :)
A lot has happened in the past week! Some things I'll talk about: excursion to Bourges, food, typical French with the English language, tendencies of school and university, the notion of traveling, problems with the bus, and a bit of TV.
To start off, I went to the city of Bourges this past weekend with my program. There is a "palais" (really really nice house) and a huge cathedral there. Cathedrals mean so much more to me than they used to because I know what I am looking at. The cathedral has windows so low to the ground that one could almost reach up and touch them. This is unlike most other cathedrals. With this, one can easily read the stories portrayed on the windows. Every sculpture and window has a purpose to either use fear or hope to boost Christians' faith. Also in Bourges is the Palais de Jacques-Coeur. The palais is hard to explain but my favorite part was the sculptures. They were sculptures of animals - frogs, snails, and monkeys. I didn't get the monkeys but they were cute. Also, there was a secret passage way from Jacques-Coeur's room to his wife's room. It was a really long day but I really enjoy my program director. He knows everything you could ever want to know about France and its history and art history and religion. It's absolutely amazing. He doesn't believe in religion but he knows than most other Christians I know.
I had a good conversation with my host dad the other night -- we stayed at the table about an hour and a half after dinner had finished. We were talking about French dishes and traveling. At that dinner, I ate a sausage made of blood of pork and some oignons and bread all mixed together. It was really soft and it really didn't taste that horrible. Had my French mom not answered, "I'll tell you after you eat it." when I asked her what it was, I might have eaten the whole thing. I asked what it was after I ate some and my host dad and brother tried to tell me it was red ants from Africa smooshed up. I didn't believe them but found out that it was blood of pork instead. Yum. We started talking about how the French eat tongue, brain, etc. My host dad said he thought that Americans wasted a lot of the meat (mind you, he studied abroad in Iowa in the late 70s) and the French do not. The French use every part of their cows, pigs, etc. And they are hormone-free. I think they even taste better. ANyways, he said that his grandparents and parents used to eat brain of a donkey at least once a week. And tongue as well. Everything of that sort is very well cooked but it takes a long time. THis is why a lot of the French do not eat this type of food anymore because the demands of life are starting to build.
We also talked about travel. His host parents in America had never seen the ocean. That is definitely not the case. My host dad knows a lot of stats -- I never know if they're true or not -- but he said 40% of Americans have never been on an airplane and 80% have never seen the ocean. I know a lot of people have not but I don't know if the stats are that high. Here in France, everyone travels because of its ease. Although I like the trains here, they are definitely not perfect.
I went to Raclette party at my French friend's house last week. Raclette is a special dish in France made with Raclette cheese, bread, steamed potatoes, and all sorts of cut meat. In French classes previously, I had always had it with Roast Beef but that's not how they eat it here. They have tons of different types of ham and bacon and they have machines that you melt the cheese in. You pour the melted cheese over the potatoes and cut the meet and eat it with the potatoes and cheese. It is delicious! Anyways, I found out some things about the FAC aka university here. One of my good friends here just quit the FAC because she was so tired of the greves. They didn't have class but still had the scheduled exams. She was fed up with it so she is going to a private school now. Yeah, speaking of greves, we had two more set days last week so transportation was no fun and lots of manifestations occured. Further, my friends were talking about a 23 year old who had just started at the FAC. APparently, it is NOT normal to go to school that late. If you do not go immediately after high school, you don't go at all. It also seems to me that the people who are in your "major" and class are your friends and that's it. The group of people I hang out with are all in the same class except for one who lives with one in the class. I also asked one of my friends there if typical French people spoke English because a lot of them do not know that much. They said that typically, at least in this region, people do not speak fluent or close to fluent English.
Also random thought, the French don't use "lol." THey use "mdr." It means mourir de rire : dying of laughter.
Also at the party, I talked about TV and music. I found out that the French watch Little House on the Prairie -- in French. I got a huge kick out of this. Also, they have Disney here but it's all translated, including the songs, into French. So it's universal, but not completely.
I went bowling the other night and I have never seen such an impressive alley. To play three games we only paid around 8 Euro -- a steal in the states! And the alley had a nice sit down area to eat. Also, every night is glow bowling. It was a lot of fun.
One last thing for today -- every Friday there is a bus that comes near my house which is a bus that people go to to give blood. It just parks there all day. I took a picture.
Pictures: Patisserie, Me in front of Bourges Cathedral, front of Bourges Cathedral, Palais Jacques Coeur (best I could do), blood donor bus
Top Ten Things that are Impolite in French culture and not in American culture
1. When someone sneezes, you’re not supposed to say bless you ; you ignore them
2. Don’t cut your lettuce; it's really impolite, instead you fold your lettuce and push it onto a piece of bread if necessary.
3. Looking away during a toast when "dinging" (can't think of the real English word) glasses in horribly rude
4. You don’t smile at people on the street: unless it’s a dog or a little child
5. Bare feet -- I've talked about this running around the house without shoes!
6. Hugging -- kissing on the lips is less affectionate and "crossing the line" than a hug is. The order: Bisous (kissing each cheek, starting with the right), Kissing in the lips, Hugging
7. It is impolite to go into a small, private, non-chain store and paw around in the items and then leave without buying anything.
8. Hands under the table -- this is incredibly rude. Etiquette dictates that one should put their hands next to their plate and rest the elbows at the edge of the table.
9. Technically speaking -- it is impolite for a man to open a door for a woman. He is supposed to enter a restaurant or building first.
10. Use a bill (rather than coins) when something you are buying costs less than 5 Euro. The Euro has a 2 piece and a 1 piece. Perfect change is preferred here. They use coins SO much more than in the states.
I look forward to your quesitons!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
I'm out of creative titles...
This post may be a short one -- we'll see when I get started.
Last week on Monday night, the mayor of the city invited all the international students to the town hall (I posted a picture of that the first post) for champagne and snacks. He gave a speech about how important international culture is and how excited he was to have all of us in the city of Tours. We got a lot of free posters and information about the city and it gave us a chance to meet other students both at my school and at the public university. I think that it's neat that the city welcomes us so much -- everyone here is so patient, especially at the train station.
I don't know if I've mentioned this but it excites me so I"m going to say it again -- I keep getting mistaken for either a French person or someone not American. That's a big compliment because it means I"m losing my American accent.
My exams were Thursday and I got the results today. Blech, I didn't do that bad, I just thought they were SO much harder than my other tests. I'm still working my butt off so I guess I'll just have to keep working.
I'm going to raclette (French specialty) party on Wednesday night with my friends so I'm getting excited for that. And this weekend I"m going to another cathedral and a famous castle.
I went to London this past weekend with my sister. I was horribly ill Friday but I was able to go places Saturday and Sunday. I LOOVED it. It was nice to be able to understand more than one conversation at a time and to see another culture. I saw Westminster Abbey, St. Paul's (and sang Feed the Birds from Mary Poppins for those who are a fan), Big Ben, Eye of London, Tower of London (including the crown jewels), Marble Arch, Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, and a lot more!! My sister and I stayed at a hotel near Oxford Circus. I had a really good time and won't forget to "Mind the Gap" in the London Underground!!
I'll do a different Top Ten and call it a day for now. Sorry for the belated post and for the shortness of this message. I have too much to say and no time! My host sister is coming home in a bit and it's the first time I'm meeting her!
Top Fifteen Things You will Find in a French House that you Won't Find in an Average American Homes:
1. A crepe pan
2. Nutella
3. Fresh Baguette
4. A Canal tv guide -- Canal is the big TV station here
5. HOUSE SLIPPERS (my host father almost died when I was bare footed the first day --it is NOT acceptable to have bare feet)
6. Separate toilets from the shower (Water Closet rooms)
7. The smell of a mix of at least four cheeses
8. Books in the water closet rooms
9. A lot of clothes lines -- no one puts things in a dryer here.
10. Heated towel racks -- they are the BEST.
11. Outdoor blinds on the first floor -- the French are very protective of their homes so on the first floor they have shudders that one can close at night time. My host parents close them religiously as soon as it starts to get dark.
12. Spotless floors - its not ok to be messy here...yeah I have problems.
13. Schedules for the buses and train tickets.
14. No garage -- you park on the street (I guess this is something you don't find in a French home but you do find in an American home!)
15. Wood floors in EVERY room. No carpet to be found!
(Maybe I should have turned that into a top 15 types of foods that are different here...haha)
My sister, Liesl, and me in Trafalgar Square
Rosetta Stone
Liesl and me in front of Big Ben
Me in the Town Hall in Tours, France
Sad in Trafalgar Square (I saw Mary Poppin’s St. Paul the day before)
Liesl and me in front of Buckingham palace
London Bridge
Responses to Questions...
Kyle, I would argue that in no way is culture becoming less important in France. In schools, as well as businesses, the French are much more blunt than in the United States or other places in the world. People will verbally critique you and do so in front of others. There really isn't a concept of positive reinforcement here. It can be discouraging to those with an American mindset but here people see it as a way to motivate others to work harder. Religion is strictly separated from business and state. In public schools, Muslim women cannot wear headscarves and Christians can not wear crosses. However, religion in everyday life is still important as I mentioned with the relics and people praying at the altars.
Alison, I'm not sure about the free university-- I'll have to ask my host nephew. I know that my host brother gets paid to go to school. How amazing is that? The protests right now are more about hours and pay (as always) but also about changing the system. They want to make the schools more mixed so that you have varying levels of intelligence and talents at each university. It's really controversial. I would say that technology speaking, France is on par or a tiny bit behind the United States. They are very concerned with maintaining history but not so much that they don't look into technology. If the two come into conflict, my guess would be history would take precedence because that's what the country prides itself on -- not being the most technologically advanced.
On a side note, I don't know who asked this (I think Celia) but France is outsourcing. I bought a purse the other day and was talking to the woman about a brand of French purses that I used to like. She told me that the company had been outsourced to China and was no longer popular in France because it could no longer claim the Paris name.
Carly, the people here do not go into English. I think they are used to Institute students and are patient. Your experience may be a result of how large your city was. I do have French friends here who want to practice English but we mostly speak French. One of my girl friends in particular, has me write down English idioms and we compare in French. It's a good exchange because we both are learning something about the other language. And signs here are all in French.
Justin, I think I would find an art history class in the US boring too. I am in love with the class here because everywhere you look is art history. For example, my art history class last week was at the cathedral in Tours to learn about gothic architecture. You can't do that kind of thing in the US. And when I visit cathedrals or other historic places in France, they are more meaningful because I know what I am looking at. What's the point of looking at architecture or paintings if you don't know what it is you're looking at? I love being able to look at a tympan and know exactly what's going on in it. As for museums, I've been to a few but I much prefer architecture to paintings. If you want some good universities with France, let me know, there are quite a few good ones!
Patrick, I watch a lot of TV here with my host family but I do not know a whole lot about it. I do know however, that TV is state sponsored and thus is subject to a lot of regulations. The most specific regulation is that after 8 PM, stations can only have 15 or 20 minutes (I don’t remember the exact number) for 2 hours. That is significantly less than the time in the United States. As for Sarkozy, they do treat him a lot like we treated Bush. Almost no one here likes him or respects him. It’s still a little hard for me to pick up subtle biases in newspapers but some papers do outwardly bash the president. And handball – same rules. It’s a great sport!
Anastasia – the idea of openness in France is a really interesting thing to think about. For example, a lot of French here love to talk about America and how things are different there. However, although they like to learn or talk about other cultures – that does not make them want to change their culture. Things here are very slow to change when it comes to culture. For example, my host dad has very strict notions about what food is acceptable to eat and it would be VERY difficult to convince him otherwise.
Heather – I hope my experiences here will make me more marketable! I definitely love learning about new cultures and seem to adjust pretty well. I just found out today that I shouldn’t be cutting my lettuce! It’s impolite. Oops. I absolutely LOVE the culture here. I love that people here are in a hurry but not too much to enjoy what is around them and to stop to say hello to people. I feel that people in the states are ALWAYS in a hurry. I also really like the concept of eating together as a family at certain times each night. The one culture thing that irks me is that everything (and I do mean everything) but the cinemas are closed on Sundays. I know I’m supposed to rest Sunday but it makes wanting to travel to nearby places difficult. And often times it’s the only day I have time to actually go shopping.
Sarah- My art history class is so interesting because I am surrounded by the material. Last week, I had class at the town cathedral. I think that Sarkozy was a charismatic leader in so far as he got elected. I have not met anyone who likes him now. I think he has lost a lot of the characteristics that go into the type of leadership. My host family tries to be neutral when I ask them questions but it’s not hard to pick up that they are not in favor of him either. No one can tell me why – I think they are just unhappy with the “world crisis” as they call it and want something different. But right now, different doesn’t necessarily mean better. And the greve…oh goodness. My trip to Chartres was not the best because of the greve. The city was great but getting there was a pain. Because of the greve, my train was cancelled. In the same manner, some of the greve protests are dangerous (not compared to some other countries but still dangerous the same) so I have to take different routes to school and other places. Overall, it hasn’t interfered too much which is a good thing.
Stephanie – You are more than welcome to ask about religion. Religion here is a very private matter (refer to my response to Kyle’s question). As far as prejudices go, I feel that the culture is very welcoming to all religions. I have yet to see a mosque but I don’t think any religion makes the French dislike a person any more.
Sarah- make sure you check out the answers to Kyle and Stephanie’s questions as well. Churches here are treated as both historical landmarks and areas to practice religion. A lot of people visit cathedrals to see the amazing architecture but others go there to pray and practice religion. It depends on the individual. But in no way is there an assumption that people are Christian or is religion forced. It is a very private matter.
Julie – like I said to Kyle, Stephanie, and Sarah, religion here is very private. Prejudice doesn’t exist because the state mandates a strict separation. I can’t speak for every city, but most cities surround a cathedral or at least the cathedral is in the old part of the city. (A lot of European cities have an old city and a new city) The French could care less about football. My host dad knew about the Superbowl and asked me about it but they care much more about Rugby and Handball which are two sports not as popular in the states. I think the bonds between European states are interesting – it’s very competitive here in terms of sports. I feel like the US needs to catch on already!!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Time Flies in Europe
Apologies for not posting last Sunday -- I have had an incredibly busy last two weeks. I don't even know where to start...
Skip back to the week before this past week. I learned a couple of interesting cultural things...First of all is the idea of the "greve" and "manifestations." Greve is a strike in French and the manifestations are the protests and parades in relation to the strikes. The protests are very historical here as they stem back to the French Revolution and the storming of the Bastille. Anyways, there was this huge protests (25,000 people) in Tours walking down the main street. It was kind of like a party -- music and singing. But there were a lot of different signs for different reasons: different education system, better pay for the train workers, and the impeachment of Sarkozy among others. I watched the manifestation with some of my friends from other countries and got a lot of their opinions on the protests and how they work in their respective countries. 40% of the workforce was in the protests. And now, the universities here are having a really hard time with the greve. Professors here are government workers because education is nationalized. The professors are on strike thus, students to not have classes. They also don't know when classes will start up again. The strikes here can put life on pause for many individuals. Speaking of, many train and bus employees are on strike, making it harder to travel. February 18th is an important date because it is the day Sarkozy sits down to talk to the union leaders. If the talks do not go well, a bigger strike could literally put the entire country on hold. This country relies on its public transportation.
The past two weeks I've done quite a bit of traveling. Last weekend, I went to Chartres. It is a huge cathedral about 30 minutes outside of Paris by train. Historically, it has the biggest crypts in France and is larger than Notre Dame de Paris. I took a train up to was horrible. There is no direct line from Tours to Chartres so I went through Le Mans. Once in Le Mans, my train to Chartres had been cancelled. I had to wait around 2 hours (thus missing the time to go down into the crypts) for the next train. Once in Chartres, I realized I had no memory card (I bought one later in the afternoon) to take pictures. I just enjoyed myself in the cathedral not worrying about taking pictures. It was actually relaxing. I went up the tower (climbed 600 steps) to see an amazing view of the city. Overall, the trip was very enjoyable. I am in an Art History class here and knowing what I"m looking at in these massive cathedrals really makes things ten times better.
My sister came to visit this week so I had a great time getting to see her and speak French with her more. :) I'm meeting more French people and not hanging out with the English speakers as much now, and I'm a lot happier.
Yesterday, my program traveled to St. Savin (an abbey) and the city of Poitiers. We saw a lot of sculptures in two cathedrals in Poitiers and had our packed lunches there. My host dad sent me 3 sandwiches and a huge pot of taboule. He thinks I eat so much when I don't. lol We all share our lunches between the group -- its funny. I LOVED St. Savin. It's a completely painted church. The ceiling has paintings that date to the 11th century. The detail and the story line of the paintings fascinate me. The paint was painted on wet plaster as they made the church so the painters had to work quickly. I wish I could explain the detail of the paintings but I'll post some pics to give you an idea.
I find it interesting how people here practice religion. My host dad was telling me that there are 70% Catholics, 20% Protestant, and 10% agnostic. Most individuals here are agnostic rather than atheist. My father (in the US) told me he read an article saying that more than 90% of people have not been to church (I don't know what time frame). I don't find this the case, however. When I visit churches there are always people there praying at the altar with the relics. I just find it interesting how the churches are the center of the old towns and how everything is built around them. It shows how involved religion was in people's lives.
Last Sunday was the Superbowl in the states. However, no one in Europe cared. Instead, we were too busy (especially in France) getting excited and watching the World Championship Team Handball match between France and Croatia. For those of you who don't know handball, it's like a mix of soccer, hockey, and basketball mixed with a tiny bit of football. The US just started playing and had their first team in the Olypmics last summer. The game is fun to watch and it was an really intense final match. And of course, the French won!! :)
Top Ten for the Week: What I love about France
1. Nutella for breakfast...mmm chocalately goodness.
2. Carte 12-25: Get train tickets for cheap!!
3. Art History (even though Kevin always goes at least a half hour longer)
4. Studio Movies: Original movies in English with French subtitles
5. Taboo Junior in French
6. Meeting actual French people and being friends with them
7. Talking on the phone in French
8. Soldes!!
9. Cathedrals
10. Wine tastings
Have a good week everyone!! Leave me comments/questions...I'll be better about getting back to them this week! (I have midterms Thursday and Friday so I won't be on Wednesday or Thursday)
Pictures: My friends and me in front of my school, manifestation, tower of Chartres, Chartres cathedral, me in a town outside of Poitiers, St. Savin Painted Church
Carly, I couldn't really tell you about the welfare. My family doesn't ever talk about it and it's not something that they would use. However, there are TONS of homeless people who roam the city here. And they all have dogs. Rumors (don't know if they are fact) tell me that its because if the homeless person has a dog, he cannot be kicked off the street. The same is true in other cities. Yesterday I was in Chartres and there were men outside the cathedral singing and asking for money. As far as unemployment goes, I don't necessarily think it is that high. (I don't know where you got the statistic) There were protests here on Thursday and over 25,000 people showed up to protest. They aren't unemployed, the simply want more from their jobs and education. In my city, unemployment certainly doesn't seem that high. At least in my area of the city. I do not really understand your last question -- France isn't isolated. It is a huge member of the EU and reaches out to Africa and further East.
Kyle -- I find the "soldes" really interesting too. I don't know anyone here who works in marketing here to ask how much money is made during the two soldes season versus the normal season. All I know is that Friday and Saturdays here are complete zoos because of all the people shopping. A lot of the things on sale in terms of clothes go for 2 or 3 euros...but I wouldn't say they are the highest quality clothing. I am waiting to see how the stores compare after the soldes end (this Wednesday). The soldes are very similar to those in the department stores in the states because they have some items on sale and others not. (it's always the ones not on sale that you want!!) I hope this answers your question.
Brittany, internet here is absolutely imperative for many jobs and communication for younger adults. Like I mentioned to Stephanie, my host dad uses Internet at least 3 days of the week. He sits at his computer and emails all day while he makes phone calls. SImilarly, students our age use the Internet for communication -- Facebook!!! When my sister was here three years ago, Internet wasn't used much and Facebook didn't exist here. It definitely exists here -- my French friends and I communicate through Facebook.
Julie, the history does intimidate me sometimes. I feel so humbled when I am at a castle or other piece of history and touch it. I can't even believe how many years the building has been there. It's a feeling that is inexplicable. Yes, the French now are concerned with preserving history and cathedrals and things like that, but this was not always the case. Until the 19th century, people did not care much for the history and, like with the tapistries, used art for personal use or would tear down buidlings for roads. This is not the case now, which is a good thing. As far as the sales, it's interesting to think about. I learned last semester in marketing that teaching individuals to wait for sales is not a good way to make profit. People won't buy at other times because they wait for the sales. However, I think France has taken this danger and profited from it. The items they sell at soldes are different than the items they sell normally. This makes people buy at *both* times. This is my impression at least.
Celia, feel free to ask as many questions as possible! Sorry it's taken so long to get back to you!! As far as box retailers go -- France isn't big on the Walmart company or Target. Instead, they have Carrefour. It's just like Walmart but it sells higher quality items (for example they sell Lacoste towels and bathroom supplies). I've only been once because I have to take a 20 minute bus to get there. I honestly don't know if they have a strategic alliance or whatever you are talking about with Walmart or anything like that. My guess would be no. People here don't know that much about Walmart. Your question about outsourcing is a good one -- I'm going to ask my host dad tonight at dinner. :) I'll get back to you.
Alison, interesting question about college studies. I would say the majority of my French friends here are *not* humanities majors. I have one friend studying international studies and the other is studying English but the rest are in the technology and business area. It's interesting here because people are placed into the schools based on the BAC. It's a test, similar to the ACT or SAT, that all graduating students must take. THere are many different types of the test and you have to take one "general" and one "technical" test. If you do well on both you can choose which you prefer (most choose technology) or you pick the one on which you did better. If I didn't explain that well, ask again and I"ll try again. But yes, most students here study technology and commerce and things like that. I'm not sure how it relates to outsourcing but I'll ask my host dad tonight when we talk about it.