Sunday morning right now so it's about 5 AM in Marietta...trying to think about the time change is strange because I'm so used to it here now. This week was fairly slow and full of ups and downs. I had my first pang of homesickness on Wednesday and it wasn't so much that I wanted to be home as I was frustrated with my situation here. It's really strange coming to a place where you know no one and then have to make friendships based on that. Who can you trust or talk to? People don't know your story here because you've known them for less than a month. It's frustrating when I actually think about it so I really try not to. I'm a fairly trusting person but here it seems hard to build trusting relationships because of differences in culture.
Classes are turning out well. First grades came out and I am where I should be in terms of my level and the grades I'm receiving. Different from the US, you really can't guess what kinds of grades people are getting unless they give the information willingly. Grades are SO unpredictable but it really makes you strive to do your best every single time.
Random culture notes: Salsa dancing is a HUGE thing here. Salsa nights are every Thursday. I thought this was interesting. Also, universities and high schools here do not have extra curricular activities. THey offer classes alone and that's it. It's up to the students to find opportunities to get involved. That is SO different from the US. One of the biggest sports here is Handball: France is doing really well in the World CHampionship. I watch it with my host father here.
Yesterday I had an excursion to the city of Angers. It is by far my favorite place in France so far : even better than Tours. There is an enormous castle there that has magnificent tapestries of the Apocalypse. It is the oldest and biggest tapestry in the world. I can't
Angers the town is wonderful too. THere is better shopping there than in Tours so of course I had to go shopping. RIght now are the "soldes" which I don't think I've explained yet. They are 5 week sales and there are 2 soldes throughotu the course of the year. Other than that, items in stores do not go on sale. I could have stayed in Angers a lot longer : perhaps for a weekend!!
The Paris trip fell through next weekend so instead I'm going up to Reims with a friend on Saturday to see the cathedral there. It is said to be twice the size of Notre Dame in Paris so I'm excited. :)
And I was also thinking about Carly's comment the other day when I was reading the newspaper. In more response to the comment, even when the news here reports on the American issues, it always links the issues to how it relates to Europe. I read an article yesterday about Obama closing the CIA secret camps and it related the news to how it effects Europe.
I thought I'd do a top ten (in no particular order) of what I really love about France:
1. Kebab :) Here's a pic but imagine the fries ON the sandwhich. :)
2. No classes Wednesday or Friday afternoons
3. Being able to travel somewhere really neat in just a day
4. HISTORY: there is virtually no history in the US. The conflict over Alsace area between now Germany and now France stems back to 864!!!!
5. Crepes: So delicious :)
6. Walking everywhere: I thought I walked a lot in Marietta...that's a joke.
7. International Friends
8. Pastries and chocolate: There is nothing like it in the US
9. Galette de Rois: How cool is it that there is a prize in the cake?? :)
10. Fashion Sense: My fashion fits in here really well :) And I LOVE scarves/foulards. One of my friends said yesterday that I always look like I'm going to a fashion show in France...funny comment since I was wearing jeans and boots to be warm...:)
That should do it for now. I love comments and questions so leave me some! :)
Pictures: Most of my group (minus 3!) at Angers, the castle and gardens at Angers (You can't possibly get a picture of all the castle in one because it is too big!), Me on top of the tower at Angers, Kebab.